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I grew up going to church, but I slackened off a bit when I went to college. I would read my Bible and pray occasionally, and I thought I was okay. When I got married, we moved to a different area, where we did not know many people except our workmates. I looked a church nearby and I started going to SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) on Saturdays when I was not working. Eventually I looked for a Methodist church because I was brought up in the Methodist church. I became a member and got involved in this local Methodist church. Something happened in 2000, which made me have a different perception of my life—my father died. He had just come to stay with us for a period. It just got into me that one day I would die as my father had. I wondered what would happen to me after this. I began to search for the Lord more. I began to read the Bible more and got involved in our local women prayer group. I thought I was okay before God because I was reading and praying more, and I was busy with church activities. The tragedy in all this was that I had never called on the name of the Lord Jesus to be my personal Saviour.

When I came to Dublin, I first stayed in a house together with a colleague and her husband. They invited me to Blanchardstown Baptist church. I continued going to this church for a while. When Pastor Derry and others placed a lot of emphasis on being saved, I began to search myself on whether I was saved or not. I could not come up with a yes or no answer, and this began to bother me. When my husband got saved, it really encouraged me to seek the Lord more on this issue. I started doing some lesson with the Pastor’s wife, Wendy. During these lessons I got some clarifications on some issues especially on the issue of salvation. On the 2nd of September 2004, Wendy asked me whether I was saved or not. I said no because I was not sure, and I did not want to take any chances. There and then I decided to call upon the Lord to be my personal Saviour, redeeming me from all my sins. It was a great day when I was born again. All things became new as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says ‘therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Now I have peace in my heart knowing that if I am to die today, I will be safe with the Lord. I have a certain hope despite any circumstances that might come my way.